Case presentation 2
September 05,2021
This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome
Heart Rate of 75 bpm
Bp of 110/70mmhg
Respiratory rate of 20cpm
CVS: s1 and s2 are heard, no murmures
CNS : consicious, no abnormalities
Provisional diagnosis :
Nephrotic syndrome
Complete blood picture :
Hb - 9.4 g/dl
TLC - 5300
Complete urine examination:
Albumin +++
Pus cells 4 to 6 cells
Albumin 2g/dl
Serum creatine and urea levels:
Serum creatinine- 3.6mg/dl
Blood urea - 76 mg/dl
24 hours urinary protein shows a protein loss of 2,622 mg/dl
- Blood urea: 74 mg/dl.
- Serum creatinine: 3.6 mg/dl.
- Serum Albumin : 2.0 gm/dl.
- Serum proteins: 4.0 gm/ dl.
- Sodium: 132 m eq/ l.
- Potassium: 5.1 m eq/l.
- Chloride: 105 m eq/l.
- RBC : Normocytic Normochromic.
- WBC: with in normal limits with relative Eosinophilia.
- Platelets: Adequate.
- IMP: Normocytic Normochromic with relative Eosinophilia.
- Fluid Restriction <1.5 L/ day.
- Salt restriction <2 g/ day.
- Inj.Lasix 40 mg I.V / BD, if SBP is >>110 mmhg.
- Tab.Pan 40 mg PO/OD.
- Tab.ZOFER 4mg PO/SOS.
- Strict I/O charting.
- BP/PR/RR/SpO2 charting 4th hourly.
- Head end elevation.
- INJ.Pantop 40 mg I.V/ OD.
- INJ.Lasix 40 mg I.V/BD.
- Adviced.
- Head end elevation.
- Inj.Pan 40 mg I. V/ OD.
- Inj.Lasix 40 mg I. V/BD.
- Fluid Restriction <1L/ day and Salt restriction < 2 g/ day.
- Strict I/O charting.
- Monitor vitals.
- Tab.RAMIPRIL 2.5 mg/PO/OD.
- Head end elevation.
- Inj.Pan 40 mg I. V/ OD.
- Inj.Lasix 40 mg I. V/BD.
- Fluid Restriction <1L/ day and Salt restriction < 2 g/ day.
- Strict I/O charting.
- Monitor vitals.
- Tab.RAMIPRIL 2.5 mg/PO/OD.
- Ointment ANOBLIS
- Head end elevation.
- Inj.Pan 40 mg I. V/ OD.
- Inj.Lasix 40 mg I. V/BD.
- Fluid Restriction <1L/ day and Salt restriction < 2 g/ day.
- Strict I/O charting.
- Monitor vitals.
- Tab.RAMIPRIL 2.5 mg/PO/OD.
- Ointment ANOBLIS
- Head end elevation.
- Inj.Pan 40 mg I. V/ OD.
- Inj.Lasix 40 mg I. V/BD.
- Fluid Restriction <1L/ day and Salt restriction < 2 g/ day.
- Strict I/O charting.
- Monitor vitals.
- Tab.RAMIPRIL 2.5 mg/PO/OD.
- Ointment ANOBLIS