Case History-4

 In this online e-logbook, we upload our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from an available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs.

A 48 year old man, who works as an auto driver, hailing from Chityala presented to the hospital with-

• generalized swelling of legs since 10 days.
• SOB since 7 days. ( Especially when lying down.)

Date of admission - 21/11/21.


• Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 weeks back.
• The patient usually wakes up at around 5am to 6am.

• Then after washing his face and brushing his teeth, he goes out for walking for around 30 minutes.

• After coming back, the patient resumes with his occupation of driving autos till 9pm with a lunch break at 12pm.

• The patient has his food at 9pm and goes to bed early by 10pm.

• Around 10 days back, the patient noticed swelling around his left leg while going on his morning walk.

• The patient also had a general corn inbetween his 3rd and 4th toes, and attributed the swelling to perhaps being that.

•  The swelling then appeared on right leg, and then on his two hands all in the span of 3 days.

• Later the patient noticed himself suffer through bouts of fever.

• This prompted the patient to go to an RMP in Nalgonda where he was diagnosed with Pericardial Effusion (minimal) and Pleural Effusion (minimal).

• The doctor prescribed certain regimen of drugs (mentioned below) which has caused the patient to experience a bad case of shortness of breath.

• The patient also complains of orthopnea since 3 days.

• So the spouse of the patient, decided to stop administering the medication after 3 days.

• He was later brought to this current hospital where he has undergone a dialysis.

• Patient says much of his swelling and symptoms were relieved after dialysis. 


• The patient suffers from Diabetes Mellitus since 7 years.

• The patient suffers from Hypertension since 8 years.

• His Hypertension was always apparently under control with medication until his leg swelling, after which it couldn't be controlled
•  4 years back patient had a incidence of pain in the right hypochondrium - right lumbar region which had an onset on consuming food
• The patient doesn't suffer from Tuberculosis.

• The patient also doesn't suffer from asthma and epilepsy.

• They were never involved in any kinds of accidents.

• They have never undergone any surgeries.


• There is no incidence of similar symptoms in any other member of his family. 

•  He seems to be the first person to suffer with DM in his family. 

•  His father has "liver problems" due to the habit of drinking. 

•  All the deaths in the family except his father's seem to be of natural causes.

•  There are no genetic disorders or congenital deformities in his family to his knowledge.


• The patient consumes a mixed diet of vegetarian and non vegetarian food.

• Since his illness, the patient has been only taking vegetarian food.

• The patient recollects that his appetite has been very poor since last 3 days, which was relieved after his first dialysis.

• Patient is obese. 

• They appear to be adequately nourished. 

• Gradual decrease in micturition since the onset of illness.

• Bowel movement is constipated.

• They apparently have had the habit of smoking (unspecified quantity), drinking (unspecified amount), and pan chewing since the age of 15 years.

• They have completely ceased from all the above mentioned habits since past 4 years. 


• Patient is not allergic to any known drug or food.

• There is no known allergy to dust or pollen in the patient.


• On equiry, the patient refused to have taken any sorts of steroids, oral diabetes drugs, diuretics, ergot derivatives, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, hormone replacement therapy or contraceptive pills — prior to coming to the hospital.

• The patient is on Insulin and Glimepiride for his DM.

• The patient also takes Olmesartan for his Hypertension.


• The patient is concious, coherent and cooperative.

• On examination, patient's mood appears to be well.
• Their built is ectomorphic.

• The patient has oedematous face.

• No characteristic gait noted.

• There is no lymphadenopathy present
• There is presence of clubbing.

• The patient has slight icterus.

•  JVP sign unable to notice because of dialysis line insertion.

• There is oedema in both of their legs - pitting type.

• No decubitus sores are present.
• Patient has substantial pallor and pale tongue; appears to be slightly anemic. 

• Patient appears to be mildly dehydrated.

• Vitals (on examining)
     Temperature- 99.3°F
     Respiratory rate- 19 cpm
     Pulse Rate- 95 bpm.
     S1 and S2 are heard. 
     spO2- 99%
     Blood Pressure is 180/110 mmHg.

Chronic Kidney Disease.




Complete urine examination

Complete blood picture

Complete urine examination


Chronic Kidney Disease due to Diabetic Nephropathy with Hypertension.


-Fluid restriction less than 1L Per day.
-salt restriction less than 2g per day.
-lasix- 40 mg TID.
-Pantop- 40 mg BD.
-BP/PR Charting 2 hourly.
-GRBS 6th hourly.
-inj H.actrapid ace to GRBS
- strict IPO Charting
- daily weight monitoring
- Tab carvedilol- 3.125 mg BD
- Tab ecospirin- 75mg BD
- Tab atorvas- 10 mg
- O2 inhalator.


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